TeamUp 2010
Year 8
Team of Stars
Lead Partner: Project Change
Partners: Debra Kramer/ consultant, Individual Teaching Artists
Project Description:
Team of Stars offers a holistic program to high-need middle school youth by promoting positive youth development skills through the performance and production of an original artistic work written by the participants and culminating in a full stage production. The process acts as a vehicle to open dialogue with youth about significant social/emotional issues such as those related to drugs, alcohol, bullying, peer pressure, prejudice, and discrimination and to teach tolerance.
The 5 week summer camp and fall after school project serves between 50 – 60 rising 5th graders through rising 9th grade students (including 4 teen mentors and 4 student volunteers, the majority of whom are youth who aged out of the program), who live at seven different Housing Opportunities Commissions (HOC) properties.
The project includes an estimated 200 family members.
This program is currently in its eighth year of funding.