"Flat Tire" Syndrome
Is your organization suffering the "Flat Tire Syndrome"? Here are three “roadside repairs” to help you pump it up NOW! Your organization...
Demystifying Strategic Planning: The What, The How, the Why
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to write an effective strategic plan! The What: information to be collected The How: tasks to be completed...
FOG Alert
Sometimes you work on an issue that you can see as clearly as the blue sky when you look straight up; but when you look straight ahead,...
Would You Hire You?
Here are four questions you must answer as a manager. 1. Do you assume your Board Chair is up to date on the organizations operations? 2....
Networking: Ready...Set...Go! Bring Your Five Best "Sense"
1. Practice your very best smile. Remember: You are the face of your organization. First impressions do count! You must present an open,...
Top Five Ways to Get off the Treadmill
All of us at some time or other find ourselves on a treadmill. ...that we wish desperately to get off. But how? Is it even possible? No....