2011 Youth in Transition
Transitioning Youth Retail Project (TYRP)
A parent’s testimony:
Henry is loving working at Sears and is so proud of himself for now being able to take the bus by himself, and for being a working man. ... This internship has absolutely changed his outlook on life. He has grown leaps and bounds. What a wonderful program! --his mom*
Nonprofit Organization: The Arc of Montgomery County
Description: The Transitioning Youth Retail project (TYRP) was a program designed to improve the lifelong employability of 24 young adults, ages 18 – 24, with mild intellectual and developmental disabilities, who were ineligible for public funding and unable to access services. A rigorous 10 week program of classroom training, experiential learning and internships progressed from broad work and life skills to more specific hands- on tasks in a supportive environment, and finally to maximally independent work in a fully- inclusive commercial environment. The segments were designed to become less structured and more inclusive at each stage, allowing inexperienced young workers to adapt confidently to adult life and work.
The Arc also engaged youth in textile recycling. Youth learned and practiced warehousing, sorting and machinery operation skills. These skills complemented TYRP’s emphasis on training in retail operations. By broadening these young people’s skill sets, they could increase the range of competitive employment opportunities. Textile recycling also offered a regular income stream for The Arc which caould help move the organization towards greater budget self-sufficiency for the project.
Originally co-Funded with the HSC Foundation. Project Budget: $272,000 (May 2014 – August 31, 2015) Youth in Transition grant.
* the client's name was changed